
  1. Named hurricane causing cancellation of travel to Your destination because it has become uninhabitable or inaccessible. We will only pay benefits for losses occurring within 30 calendar days after the named hurricane makes Your destination accommodations uninhabitable.  Your destination accommodations are uninhabitable if: (i) the building structure itself is unstable and there is a risk of collapse in whole or in part; (ii) there is exterior or structural damage allowing elemental intrusion, such as rain, wind, hail or flood; (iii) immediate safety Hazards have yet to be cleared, such as debris on roofs or downed electrical lines; (iv) destination is under mandatory evacuation order, or (v) the rental property is without electricity or water.  Benefits are not payable if a hurricane is named on or before the Effective Date;
  2. Your or Your Traveling Companion’s primary place of residence or destination is made Uninhabitable or Inaccessible and remains Uninhabitable during Your scheduled Trip, by fire, flood, or other Natural Disaster or Man Made disaster, vandalism, or burglary of Your principle place of residence within 10 days of departure;
  3. Inclement weather or Natural Disaster which results in the complete cessation of travel services at the point of departure or destination for at least 48 consecutive hours;
  4. Loss of essential services for more than 24 hours at destination due to hurricane, natural disaster or man-made disaster;
  5. Impassable Roads and Road closures due to snow, Ice, trees, rocks, or flooding that cause delay in reaching Your scheduled Trip destination for at least 6 hours;
  6. Lack of snowfall or adverse weather in the pre-booked winter sports resort if there is no alternative winter sports facility available which results in the inability to ski for at least 24 hours. A benefit will be paid for each full 24 hour period in which the Insured is unable to ski, up to the maximum as shown in the Schedule of Benefits.  The Insured must obtain written confirmation from the tour operator (or their representative) of the number of days skiing facilities were closed in the resort and the reason for the closure.  The resort must have at least 50% of trails closed from lack of snow, severe weather or trail conditions, or Natural Disaster.  This coverage is only available if the Insured purchases the insurance at least 21 days prior to their departure date.  Coverage is only available If the ski resort  has snow makers and is more than 2,000 feet above sea level, or if the ski resort does not have snowmakers and is more than 3,000 feet above sea level.  This coverage is available from December 15 through March 30 for ski resorts in the Northern Hemisphere and June 15 through September 30 for ski resorts in the Southern Hemisphere.
  7. $60 per day transport cost to nearest available ski resort if 50% of trails not available. Elevation rules apply;
  8. Having Your principal place of residence made uninhabitable by fire, flood or other Natural Disaster;
  9. For Trip Interruption only, Mandatory evacuation ordered by local authorities at Your final destination due to hurricane, Natural Disaster or Man Made disaster. The maximum limit of coverage payable will be 50% of Your Covered Trip cost.